Growing Our Own Food

Leveraging recent developments, I believe we can build small-scale farms that are low-labor and low-water-usage that grow enough chickens, fish, and vegetables (not sure about grains) to feed many families.   Small scale meaning less than 1 acre and low labor meaning it does not take over your life.   A gentleman’s farm that actually feeds a community.

This can bring us healthier food and lifestyle as well as a sense of food security.   Serving as a model and example for others in case of a food shock, some bottom-up research and development could help society in the case of need.

I wrote an essay about my researching the subject.

But please read and comment.   Word File, PDF, other formats.



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4 Responses to Growing Our Own Food

  1. I am a caretaker of a farm filled with Oranges and Olive Groves, but my home in which I live on is very small. In my very small area of the world; I have discovered with enough chickens laying their golden eggs, canning my own vegetables; is my life peaceful and healthy. Simplicity is the key to life, and if there is anything I can do to help you, or send you some of my very old books for you to scan and keep please contact me.

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