I saw Hugh Sinclair speak and just finished his fabulous book: Confessions of a Microfinance Heretic: How Microlending Lost Its Way and Betrayed the Poor . It shows how Kiva, Citi, and a famous VC, Vinod Khosla, among many others have made high returns off of the poorest women in the world with loans with interest rates that are often over 100% per year.
I am now in Georgia with my inlaws and was stunned to see the number of “microfinance” institutions here. I would say over 15 are in this 1 mile strip occupying the most expensive roadside real-estate. These are financial services organizations that “serve” the working people of Rome Georgia.
You can take a your own stroll with Google Street viewto see all the signs. But here are some:

Title Pawn, or Title Loan places take your car, and lease it back to you. A high interest loan secured by your car. Banks are paying about 0% to the fed for money, the poor are paying much more.

Weekly payments are the same as how the microfinance places work in developing countries. The Nobel Peace prize winning approach to poverty eradication has arrived in the USA. Like what you see?

“Buy Here, Pay Here” means you go back weekly to make your payments rather than dealing with a bank.
Pingback: Local Currency that seems to be working in Georgia | Brewster Kahle's Blog
Additionally, you will have to pay for a relatively higher loan rate.
He writes down the full price of the car and then may write down the “discount” that they are
giving you just because you’re a great person and they really like you or it’s a “sales bonanza” or
whatever. The report will show you the car’s history as well as any damages or a salvage title it may have.
Hi Brewster!
I run a free (donation) wireless Meraki mesh system for Atchison Village (see Wikipedia). I saw an article about your Richmond antenna, went over to see it.
It’s 1.5 crow-fly miles from us. Could I get a feed for our system? I’m retired, and I need to put the donations to more Merakis instead of bandwidth.
Keep up your good work!